Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Red Blood Cells

One thing I need to clarify;
the wbc's are always the first to come back, due to the growth hormone shots. I'm told that the red cells could continue to fall, requiring that blood be given. Part of me is wishing that it drops a tad more so I can get the blood, chock-ful of red cells.

Today was the lowest energy level day ever; I barely had the strength to walk across the room.

It'll get better. It's just a matter of time now.


Bruce said...


Keep up the hard work, okay so you can't ride the bike right now, WALK, which I know you are doing! You energy levels might be low now, but it seems that everything is moving in the right direction and that is UP!

So KEEP UP THE SPIRITS and we will be saying a Mishaberach for you at schull this week! I am not a regular but it is Susan's moms Yahrzeit so we will be there and as always you are in our thoughts and prayers!

As Ever,

Susan and Bruce

Anonymous said...

Great work.